Infrastructure Victoria has just released their updated 30-year plan detailing 94 recommendations worth around 100 billion which will chart the next stage of Victoria’s infrastructure journey.

Victoria’s Infrastructure Strategy 2021-2050 was presented to the Victorian State Government where it will be decided which recommendations will be incorporated into Victoria’s formal infrastructure strategy. Of the 137 strategy recommendations made from the advisory body in the 2016 strategy, an incredible 90 percent were adopted by the State Government and have either commenced or have already been completed. This conversion rate is impressive and unexpected!

it is noted that there is a strong emphasis on improving public transport and the heavy focus on the much-needed infrastructure service development in Melbourne’s seven (7) growth local government areas.

The strategy recommends a second underground metro train tunnel and a reconfiguration of the city loop that will provide new inner-city stations, a more integrated train network in densely populated inner areas and more frequent services to the south-eastern suburbs.

Recommendations for growth areas include significant funding towards new libraries and aquatic recreation centres within the next 5 years and the extension of the rail network in Melbourne’s north and west between Sunshine and Rockbank, Craigieburn to Beveridge and the Wyndham Vale and Melton corridors by 2031.

It will be interesting to see which projects the Victorian State Government will prioritise and how much funding will be allocated to new infrastructure given the financial strain that has occurred from the recent pandemic.

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